by doleague | Mar 19, 2014 | DoLeague Updates |
With DoLeague 2.4.2 software update significant progress we have made in the system of invitations to tournaments and in the premium service, among others. As always, to keep you well informed, we make a summary of each of the improvements in this new software...
by doleague | May 24, 2013 | DoLeague Updates |
We have been busy working on the new tournamente manager (yes, we like it so much, but isn´t it pretty?) but we still want to keep our actual users on the sport events tool happy, so here we are with a new update, the second one this month (v.0.6.5): New Login Page...
by doleague | May 21, 2013 | About DoLeague |
We have some good news today. The tournament manager is almost ready and we want to share with you some screenshots so you can see what is coming on the next weeks. Launch will be only on private Beta for the interested user (join the list here). We will tell you more...
by doleague | May 6, 2013 | DoLeague Updates |
Last Friday we had a new update on Do League. We knew that some users were complaining about the app not remembering them when they return to the app after closing the browser. We listened them and we agree that was really annoying: So we decided we need to fix it as...
by doleague | Apr 19, 2013 | About DoLeague |
We started with doleague in spanish on december 2012. After 5 months, today we can say that is a multilanguage site with two languages, english and spanish. I want to share with you the steps we have done to reach here, because it has not been as easy as...