We have some good news today. The tournament manager is almost ready and we want to share with you some screenshots so you can see what is coming on the next weeks. Launch will be only on private Beta for the interested user (join the list here). We will tell you more on the following days, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, enjoy the screens:
Your own tournamente webpage
Do League create your tournamente webpage. You will be able to modify any tounament and league options, dates, price, rules, prizes, etc. and of course, you will be able to change the design to fit your brand, use your logo and add your own sponsors.
Payment Gateway
Use the Paypal Payment Gateway and stop worrying about fees. Your players will register online and you will collect the payments directly on your paypal account. Easy an safe.
Customize your league and tournament
Add any number of categories, unlimited divisions even groups into the divisions. Any tournament you can imagine can be done with Do League tournament manager.
Automatic Schedules
It has never been so easy to create the schedule. Our automatic schedule generator will calculate the necessary hours for each round. It ill also calculare how many courts you need and it will assign automatically dates and times to all your matches.
This is just the beginning
There are so many options we cannot write them on one post. Stay tuned to the news on social networks and join here to receive the latests news on the tournament manager.
Do you like the screens? Tell us what do you think on the comments!